Get to know Kristina - Clinical Research Associate (CRA)

Kristina has a background as a specialist nurse in oncology and working with clinical trials. She has worked in the oncology field for over 20 years with radiotherapy, as a research nurse and CRA. In her current role, she works as a CRA based at Scandinavian CRO’s Gothenburg office.

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Why did you decide to do the work you are doing now?

I wanted to be part of something that could make a difference and create a better life for patients.

Who´s your go to band or artist when you can´t decide on something to listen to?

In my opinion, the best band is definitely U2. When I need to feel some extra power, I listen to the album “Achtung Baby”. I must also mention one of my favorite artists. As a Gothenburger, you have to like Håkan Hellström. You can always find a song for that special mood or feeling.

What website do you visit most often?

I really recommend TED talks.

What´s the best thing you got from your parents?

From my mother I inherited her peace and patience, as well as the value of listening to people. From my father, I got my stubbornness as well as always striving to see the positive in every situation and to think solution-oriented.

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