The latest on COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials

Pre-clinical and clinical drug development (Phase I to III) typically takes at least 10 years on average, but the global race is on to have a SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus vaccine on the market by early next year.

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Currently, over 30 vaccines are being tested in clinical trials. Of these, Phase III trials have been started for nine vaccines. Check out the status of some of the high-profile Phase III clinical trials that are underway:

AstraZeneca (UK/Sweden) & University of Oxford (Adenovirus vaccine, AZD1222): AstraZeneca voluntarily halted the global trial on September 6th for a safety review. The trial resumed in the UK on September 12, but the trial is still on hold in other countries.

Moderna (mRNA vaccine, mRNA-1273): This US-based company started Phase III testing in July and will enroll 30,000 healthy people in 89 study sites around the US.

BioNTech (Germany) & Pfizer (US-based) (mRNA vaccine, BNT162b2): At the end of July, the companies announced a Phase II/III global trial and now plan to expand enrollment. In September, Pfizer announced that they could know if the vaccine works by October 2020.

Of local interest, Novavax (US-based), with a local facility in Uppsala, Sweden, is currently running a Phase II trial with a Phase III trial expected to start in October.

Browse ongoing clinical trials by phase using the Coronavirus vaccine tracker.

What are the phases of clinical trials?

Phase I: first-in-human trial to investigate the safety and pharmacokinetics of the test drug in a small number of healthy volunteers. In oncology studies, a small number of patients are treated and the study may be a combined Phase I/Phase II clinical trial to investigate both efficacy and safety.

Phase II: investigates the efficacy and safety of the test drug, typically in up to a few hundred patients. Phase II clinical trials may be randomized, blinded or use a control group (i.e., to compare the test drug with placebo, a control drug or both).

Phase III: usually includes hundreds or even thousands of patients in a randomized trial. Phase III trials intend to provide unambiguous, evidence-based data confirming the efficacy and safety of the test drug that will be used to submit an application for market approval to the regulatory authorities.

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